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Quest for Love Concert Group

Public·40 members

Lucas Cook
Lucas Cook

The Captured

This message indicates that there is no sub-surface conduit downsteam of the catchbasin (inlet) in question. So, the flow captured by the inlet does not have a place to go and thus is lost from the system.

The Captured

This can happen for example if the last catchbasin in a network is at a dead end without an outfall. Meaning, the network may simply end at a catchbasin. To resolve the issue, either accept that the flow is lost, or if there is actually a pipe under the ground to carry the captured flow away which you need to account for in the model, lay out a new conduit from the catchbasin in question, to a downstream element (or outfall, to end the network).

The Match.Groups property returns a GroupCollection object that contains Group objects that represent captured groups in a single match. The first Group object in the collection (at index 0) represents the entire match. Each object that follows represents the results of a single capturing group.

The properties of the Group class provide information about the captured group: The Group.Value property contains the captured substring, the Group.Index property indicates the starting position of the captured group in the input text, the Group.Length property contains the length of the captured text, and the Group.Success property indicates whether a substring matched the pattern defined by the capturing group.

If the * or *? quantifier (which specifies zero or more matches) is applied to a group, a capturing group may not have a match in the input string. When there is no captured text, the properties of the Group object are set as shown in the following table.

Quantifiers can match multiple occurrences of a pattern that is defined by a capturing group. In this case, the Value and Length properties of a Group object contain information only about the last captured substring. For example, the following regular expression matches a single sentence that ends in a period. It uses two grouping constructs: The first captures individual words along with a white-space character; the second captures individual words. As the output from the example shows, although the regular expression succeeds in capturing an entire sentence, the second capturing group captures only the last word.

The Group object contains information only about the last capture. However, the entire set of captures made by a capturing group is still available from the CaptureCollection object that is returned by the Group.Captures property. Each member of the collection is a Capture object that represents a capture made by that capturing group, in the order in which they were captured (and, therefore, in the order in which the captured strings were matched from left to right in the input string). You can retrieve individual Capture objects from the collection in either of two ways:

The following example uses the regular expression (Abc)+ to find one or more consecutive runs of the string "Abc" in the string "XYZAbcAbcAbcXYZAbcAb". The example illustrates the use of the Group.Captures property to return multiple groups of captured substrings.

Other cities around the world have looked at the Domain Awareness System and similar types of control centers and analytics platforms as models for how to govern urban society. As the tech advances, more powerful hardware and software can be added on and integrated into these systems. The captured city provides infinite possibilities for upgrades.

Escaping the captured city will require a similar siege of resistance to dismantle the many layers of technological and ideological infrastructure. It will require us to target with ruthless criticism the producers and users of surveillance systems, the supply and demand for urban control. It will require us to know our enemies and name them as such.

On the internal side, the new government has committed to freeing captured institutions, regaining the trust of citizens, and bringing the country back to the Euro-Atlantic path. Using the prospect of European integration to put wind in its sails, it has to deal with the difficult issues of reforming the judiciary and the public administration, fighting corruption, and resolving the wiretapping scandal. The public largely supports these efforts, as was clear in a September 2017 poll by the International Republican Institute (IRI), which found that 44 percent of the public considers the situation to be peaceful and stable, as opposed to 5 percent earlier this year.[viii] In the same poll, the number of people that think Macedonia is headed in the right direction has increased to 27 perrcent, from 14 percent earlier in the year.

In light of the reasons above, in order to create an environment conducive to freeing the captured state in Macedonia it is necessary to rethink the standard approach to enlargement from several perspectives.

In a moment things righted themselves. Someone brought waterfor Miss Halliburton, who was in a state of collapse, and as theact ended they all took a curtain call once more. Twenty minuteslater it was over. The hero clasped Leilia Van Baker to hisbreast, confessing that he was The Shadow, "and a captured Shadowat that"; the curtain went up and down, up and down; MissHalliburton was dragged unwillingly on the stage and the usherscame up the aisles laden with flowers. Then everything becameinformal and the actors mingled happily with the audience,laughing and important, congratulated from all sides. An old manwhom Basil didn't know came up to him and shook his hand, saying,"You're a young man that's going to be heard from some day," anda reporter from the paper asked him if he was really onlyfifteen. It might all have been very bad and demoralizing forBasil, but it was already behind him. Even as the crowd meltedaway and the last few people spoke to him and went out, he felt agreat vacancy come into his heart. It was over, it was done andgone--all that work, and interest and absorption. It was ahollowness like fear.

For nearly a half century, in a practice called enhanced oil recovery (EOR), carbon dioxide has been used to extract additional oil from developed oil fields in the United States. U.S. companies are also investing in new technologies to re-use captured carbon emissions in innovative ways, including jet fuel and automobile seats. Spurred by the NRG COSIA Carbon XPRIZE, researchers are exploring even more uses, such as transforming carbon emissions into algae biofuels and building materials.

There is strong bipartisan support to accelerate carbon capture deployment. In February 2018, Congress extended and expanded key financial incentives for investment in several advanced low-carbon technologies. The two-year budget package included the FUTURE Act, sponsored by Senators Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.), Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), and John Barrasso (R-Wyo.). The legislation reforms and extends a federal tax credit to boost carbon capture, known as Section 45Q. The FUTURE Act also allows for the first time use of the tax credit for capture of carbon monoxide from industrial facilities like steel mills, direct air capture (DAC) of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and for the conversion of captured carbon into useful products.

2003: Core Energy/South Chester Gas Processing Plant in Michigan. Carbon dioxide is captured by Core Energy from natural gas processing for EOR in northern Michigan with over 2 million MT captured to date.

2008: Snøhvit Carbon Dioxide Storage offshore of Norway. Carbon dioxide is captured from an LNG facility on an island in the Barents Sea. The captured carbon dioxide is stored in an offshore subsurface reservoir. To date, more than 4 million tons of carbon dioxide have been stored.

2013: Chaparral/CVR Energy Coffeyville Gasification Plant in Kansas. The carbon dioxide stream (approximately 850,000 tons per year) from a nitrogen fertilizer production process based on gasification of petroleum coke is captured, compressed and transported to a Chaparral-operated oil field in northeastern Oklahoma.

2013: Antrim Gas Plant in Michigan. Carbon dioxide from a gas processing plant owned by DTE Energy is captured at a rate of approximately 1,000 tons per day and injected into a nearby oil field operated by Core Energy in the Northern Reef Trend of the Michigan Basin.

2015: Uthmaniyah CO2-EOR Demonstration in Saudi Arabia. This project captures carbon dioxide from the Hawiyah natural gas liquids recovery plant. The captured carbon dioxide is used for enhanced oil recovery in the Ghawar oil field.

2016: Abu Dhabi CCS Project Phase 1: Emirates Steel Industries. Carbon capture technology was deployed for the first time on an operating iron and steel plant. The captured carbon dioxide is used for enhanced oil recovery by the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company.

Once captured, carbon dioxide must be transported from its source to a storage site. There are more than 4,500 miles of pipelines for transporting carbon dioxide in the United States for use in enhanced oil recovery, but more will be needed.

The brief case studies provided above suffice to demonstrate just how serious the problem of regulatory capture has become, and it should be noted that the problem crops up in many other sectors as well. To liberate the captured economy and restore free and open competition where it has been systematically twisted and squelched, we propose here a four-part agenda: (1) shrink the bloated financial sector; (2) roll back "intellectual property" excesses; (3) improve access to health care through supply-side reforms to boost competition; and (4) reduce regulatory barriers to new housing.


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